Libris Britannia 4
science library(b).zip
science library(b)
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Text File
466 lines
:name Visit how-to called 'name'
: Visit last how-to refered to
:: Display headings of how-to's in this workspace
=name Visit contents of location
= Visit last location visited
== Display names of permament locations in this workspace
>name Visit workspace 'name'
> Visit last workspace visited
>> Display list of workspace names
Name Default Keys* Short description
Accept [TAB] Accept suggestion, focus to hole or end of line
Return [RETURN] Add line or decrease indentation
Widen f1, [ESC] w Widen focus
Extend f2, [ESC] e Extend focus (usually to the right)
First f3, [ESC] f Move focus to first contained item
Last f4, [ESC] l Move focus to last contained item
Previous f5, [ESC] p Move focus to previous item
Next f6, [ESC] n Move focus to next item
Upline f7, [ESC] u Move focus to whole line above
Downline f8, [ESC] d Move focus to whole line below
Up ^, [ESC] U Make new hole, move up
Down v, [ESC] D Make new hole, move down
Left <-, [ESC] , Make new hole, move left
Right ->, [ESC] . Make new hole, move right
Goto [ctrl-G], mouseclick New focus at cursor position
Undo [BACKSPACE] Undo effect of last key pressed (may be repeated)
Redo [ctrl-U] Redo last UNDOne key (may be repeated)
Copy f9, [ctrl-C], [ESC]c Copy buffer to hole, or focus to buffer
Delete [ctrl-D] Delete contents of focus (to buffer if empty)
Record [ctrl-R] Start/stop recording keystrokes
Play [ctrl-P] Play back recorded keystrokes
Look [ctrl-L] Redisplay screen
Help f10, [ESC]? Print summary of editing operations
Exit [ctrl-X] Finish changes or execute command
Interrupt (as set by 'stty')Interrupt command execution
Suspend (as set by 'stty') Suspend ABC (only for shell with job control)
* Notes:
[Ctrl-D] means: hold the [CTRL] (or [CONTROL]) key down while pressing d.
[ESC] w means: press the [ESC] key first, then w.
WRITE expr Write to screen;
/ before or after expr gives new line
READ address EG expr Read expression from terminal to address;
expr is example
READ address RAW Read line of text
PUT expr IN address Put value of expr in address
SET RANDOM expr Start random sequence for random and choice
REMOVE expr FROM list Remove one element from list
INSERT expr IN list Insert in right place
DELETE address Delete permanent location or table entry
PASS Do nothing
KEYWORD expr KEYWORD ... Execute user-defined command
KEYWORD Execute refined command
CHECK test Check test and stop if it fails
IF test: If test succeeds, execute commands;
commands no ELSE allowed
SELECT: Select one alternative:
test: commands try each test in order
... (one must succeed;
test: commands the last test may be ELSE)
WHILE test: As long as test succeeds
commands execute commands
FOR name,... IN train: Take each element of train in turn
HOW TO KEYWORD ...: Define new command KEYWORD ...
HOW TO RETURN f: Define new function f with no arguments
commands (returns a value)
HOW TO RETURN f x: Define new function f with one argument
HOW TO RETURN x f y: Define new function f with two arguments
HOW TO REPORT pr: Define new predicate pr with no arguments
commands (succeeds/fails)
HOW TO REPORT pr x: Define new predicate pr with one argument
HOW TO REPORT x pr y: Define new predicate pr with two arguments
SHARE name,... Share permanent locations
(before commands of how-to)
Refinements (after the commands of a how-to)
KEYWORD : commands Define command refinement
name: commands Define expression- or test-refinement
Terminating commands
QUIT Leave command how-to or command refinement,
or leave ABC
RETURN expr Leave function how-to or expression refinement,
return value of expr
REPORT test Leave predicate how-to or test-refinement,
report outcome of test
SUCCEED The same, report success
FAIL The same, report failure
666, 3.14, 3.14e-9 Exact constants
expr,expr,... Compound
name,name,... Naming (may also be used as address)
text@p "ABCD"@2 = "BCD" (also address)
text|q "ABCD"|3 = "ABC" (also address)
text@p|q "ABCD"@2|1 = "BCD"|1 = "B"
table[expr] Table selection (also address)
"Jan", 'Feb', 'Won''t!' Textual displays (empty: "" or '')
"value = `expr`;" Conversion of expr to text
{1; 2; 2; ...} List display (empty: {})
{1..9; ...}, {"a".."z"; ...} List of consecutive values
{["Jan"]: 1; ["Feb"]: 2; ...} Table display (empty: {})
f, f x, x f y Result of function f (no permanent effects)
name Result of refinement (no permanent effects)
x < y, x <= y, x >= y, x > y Order tests
x = y, x <> y (<> means 'not equals')
0 <= d < 10
pr, pr x, x pr y Outcome of predicate pr (no permanent effects)
name Outcome of refinement (no permanent effects)
test AND test AND ... Fails as soon as one of the tests fails
test OR test OR ... Succeeds as soon as one of the tests succeeds
NOT test
SOME name,... IN train HAS test
Sets name, ... on success
EACH name,... IN train HAS test
Sets name, ... on failure
NO name,... IN train HAS test
Sets name, ... on failure
Functions and predicates on numbers
~x Approximate value of x
exactly x Exact value of x
exact x Test if x is exact
+x, x+y, x-y, -x, x*y, x/y Plain arithmetic
x**y x raised to the power y
root x, n root x Square root, n-th root
abs x, sign x Absolute value, sign (= -1, 0, or +1)
round x, floor x, ceiling x Rounded to whole number
n round x x rounded to n digits after decimal point
a mod n Remainder of a on division by n
*/x Numerator of exact number x
/*x Denominator
random Random approximate number r, 0 <= r < 1
e, exp x Base of natural logarithm, exponential function
log x, b log x Natural logarithm, logarithm to the base b
pi, sin x, cos x, tan x, arctan x
Trigonometric functions, with x in radians
angle (x, y), radius (x, y) Angle of and radius to point (x, y)
c sin x, c cos x, c tan x Similar, with the circle divided into c parts
c arctan x, c angle (x, y) (e.g. 360 for degrees)
now e.g. (1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59.999)
Functions on texts
t^u t and u joined into one text
t^^n t repeated n times
lower t lower "aBc" = "abc"
upper t upper "aBc" = "ABC"
stripped t Strip leading and trailing spaces from t
split t Split text t into words
Function on tables
keys table List of all keys in table
Functions and predicates on trains
#train Number of elements in train
e#train Number of elements equal to e
e in train, e not.in train Test for presence or absence
min train Smallest element of train
e min train Smallest element larger than e
max train, e max train Largest element
train item n n-th element
choice train Random element
Functions on all types
x<<n x converted to text, aligned left in width n
x><n The same, centred
x>>n The same, aligned right
!"#$%&'()*+,-./ This is the order of all characters
0123456789:;<=>? that may occur in a text.
@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO (The first is a space.)
abc - ABC interpreter & environment
abckeys - change key bindings for 'abc'
abc [workspace and editor options] [file ...]
abc [workspace and task options]
Without options or files, the ABC interpreter is started, using the ABC
editor, in the last workspace used or in workspace 'first' if this is your
first abc session. A workspace is kept as a group of files in a directory,
with separate files for each how-to and location. The workspace directories
themselves are kept by default in the directory $HOME/abc. On non-Unix
machines, $HOME is the disk you are working on.
Workspace Options:
-W dir use group of workspaces in 'dir' instead of $HOME/abc.
-w name start in workspace 'name' instead of last workspace used.
-w path use 'path' as workspace (no -W option allowed).
Editor option:
-e Use $EDITOR as editor to edit definitions, instead of ABC
editor (Unix only).
file ... Read commands from file(s) instead of from standard input;
input for READ commands is taken from standard input. If a
file is called '-' and standard input is the keyboard, the
ABC system is started up interactively for that entry.
Special tasks:
-i tab Fill table 'tab' with text lines from standard input.
-o tab Write text lines from table 'tab' to standard output.
-l List the how-to's in workspace to standard output.
-p Pack how-to's and locations from a workspace to standard
-u [ file ... ] Unpack how-to's and locations from file(s) or standard input
in workspace.
-r Recover a workspace when its index is lost: useful after a
machine crash if the ABC internal administration files didn't
get written out.
-R Recover the index of a group of workspaces.
(This is necessarily a very brief description; see 'The ABC Programmer's
Handbook' for full details.)
Use 'QUIT' to finish an ABC session.
When ABC starts up interactively, it displays a prompt and awaits input.
TYPING AND SUGGESTIONS: as you type, the system tries to suggest a possible
continuation for what you have typed; to accept the suggestion, press
[accept] (by default this is bound to the [TAB] key; type '?' to find out the
bindings for the keyboard you are using). If you don't want to accept the
suggestion, just carry on typing (you can always type character for
character, ignoring the suggestions). Usually the system knows where a
letter must be capital and where not, and you usually don't have to use the
shift key; however, in the few places where both a lower-case and an upper-
case letter would be legal (for instance for AND), you have to type the
letter upper-case.
When you type a control command, like WHILE, the system provides indentation
automatically for the body of the command; to reduce the indentation one
level, type [return].
CORRECTING AND EDITING: the [undo] key (by default bound to backspace) undoes
the last key you typed. Repeatedly typing it undoes more and more, up to a
certain maximum number of keypresses.
To correct other parts, you must put the 'focus' onto the part you want to
change. The focus is displayed by underlining or reverse video. [Widen] and
[extend] make the focus larger, [first] and [last] make it smaller.
[Delete] deletes the contents of the focus.
[Copy] copies the contents of the focus to a buffer, or if the focus is not
focussed on anything, copies the contents of the buffer back to where you are
MOVING THE FOCUS: [Upline] and [downline] focus on one line above or below.
[Previous] and [next] move the focus left and right. [Up], [down], [left],
and [right] move an empty focus around. [Goto] widens the focus to the
largest thing at the current position.
OTHER OPERATIONS: [Look] redraws the screen; [record] records all keystrokes
until the next time you press [record] - [play] replays them. [Redo] redoes
the last key(s) undone; [interrupt] interrupts a running command.
WORKSPACES: To create a new workspace, or go to an existing workspace, type
'>name'. To go to the last workspace you were in, type a single '>'. To get
a list of workspace names, type '>>'.
HOW-TO's: To create a new how-to, just type the first line of the how-to.
This creates the new how-to, and allows you to type the body. Use [exit] to
finish it (by default [ESC][ESC]).
To visit a how-to, type a colon, followed by the name of the how-to. Again,
use [exit] to exit. To visit the last how-to again, or the last how-to you
got an error message for, type a single ':'. To get a list of the how-to's
in this workspace, type '::'.
To edit a location, type a '=' followed by the name of the location. To re-
edit it, type a single '='. To get a list of the locations in the workspace,
type '=='.
The binding of editing operations like [accept] to keys may be different for
your keyboard; type a '?' at the prompt to find out what the bindings are for
your keyboard.
To redefine the keys used for editor operations, run 'abckeys'. This
produces a private key definitions file. You will be given instructions on
how to use it.
Keys labeled f1...f8 are function keys. On Unix, the way to type these is
terminal-dependent. The codes they send must be defined by the termcap entry
for your terminal.
If a terminal has arrow keys which transmit codes to the computer, these
should be used for Up, Down, Left and Right. Again, the termcap entry must
define the codes.
The Goto operation is of most use if the cursor can be moved locally at the
terminal, or if the terminal has a mouse; the Goto operation will sense the
terminal for the cursor or mouse position. On Unix, we use two extra non-
standard termcap capabilities for this: 'sp' which gives the string that must
be sent to the terminal to sense the cursor position, and 'cp' which defines
the format of the reply (in the same format as other cursor-addressing
strings in termcap). If your terminal's mouse-click sends the position of
the click automatically, just set 'sp' to the empty string. See termcap(5)
for more details.
$HOME/copybuf.abc copy buffer between sessions
$HOME/abc/wsgroup.abc table mapping workspace names to directory names
$HOME/abc/abckeys_$TERM private key definitions file (Unix only)
$HOME/abc/abc.key private key definitions file (non-Unix)
position.abc focus position of edited how-to's in workspace
perm.abc table mapping object names to file names
suggest.abc suggestion list for user-defined commands
types.abc table with codes for typechecking between how-to's
*.cmd command how-to's in this workspace
*.zfd, *.mfd, *.dfd function how-to's in this workspace
*.zpd, *.mpd, *.dpd predicate how-to's in this workspace
*.cts permanent locations in this workspace
abc.msg messages file, used for errors (not on Macintosh)
abc.hlp helpfile with this text (MacABC.help on Macintosh)
The latter two are searched for first in your startup directory, then in
$HOME/abc, and finally, on Unix, in a directory determined by the installer
of ABC. On the IBM PC and Atari ST the directories in your $PATH are used in
the last stage (if you have a hard disk place these files in the workspaces
directory abc).
There are four files supplied: the program abc.tos itself, abckeys.tos for
changing your key bindings, the help file abc.hlp, and the error messages
file abc.msg. (See FILES above.)
If you start ABC up from the desktop, and you want to use the options given
above, like -w, you should rename abc.tos to abc.ttp. There is an additional
facility for redirecting input and output: the parameter >outfile redirects
all output from ABC to the file called outfile, and similarly <infile takes
its input from the file called infile.
There are four files for running ABC, the program abc.exe itself, abckeys.exe
for changing your key bindings, the help file abc.hlp, and the error messages
file abc.msg. (See FILES above.)
If your screen size is non-standard, or your machine is not 100% BIOS
compatible (which is unusal these days), you can specify the screen-size, and
whether to use the BIOS or ANSI.SYS for output, by typing after the A>
prompt, before you start ABC up, one of the following:
SET SCREEN=ANSI lines cols
SET SCREEN=BIOS lines cols
If you are going to use ANSI.SYS, be sure you have the line
in your CONFIG.SYS file. Consult the DOS manual for further details.
There are three files supplied: MacABC, the application itself, MacABC.help,
the help file, and MacABC.doc, a MacWrite document containing a variant of
this text. The help file should be in the same folder as MacABC, or in your
System Folder.
MacABC runs in a single window. You'll notice that most operations are menu
entries, as well as being possible from the keyboard. You can start ABC up
by double-clicking the MacABC icon in which case you start up in the last
workspace used, or by double-clicking on any icon in a workspace, in which
case you start in that workspace. In this latter case, if the filename of
the icon you clicked on ends in .cmd, that how-to is executed, but the how-to
may not have any parameters.
Instead of the special option flags mentioned above, most of the tasks, like
recovering a workspace, can be done from the File menu.
* Notes for Macintosh guru's:
The messages are STR# resources in MacABC; you must use a resource editor to
change them.
MacABC uses Monaco 9 for the screen, and Courier 10 for printing. You can
change them with ResEdit, by editing the resource with type Conf and ID 0.
The horizontal and vertical window-size and the window-title can also be
adapted there. To facilitate this, first Paste the TMPL resource with ID
5189 named Conf from MacABC to (a copy of) ResEdit. But beware, MacABC only
works properly with Fixed-width Fonts like Monaco and Courier.
Leo Geurts, Lambert Meertens and Steven Pemberton, The ABC Programmer's
Handbook, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990, ISBN 0-13-
Steven Pemberton, An Alternative Simple Language and Environment for PCs,
IEEE Software, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 56-64.
The ABC Newsletter. Available free from CWI.
Frank van Dijk, Leo Geurts, Timo Krijnen, Lambert Meertens, Steven Pemberton,
Guido van Rossum.
ABC Distribution, CWI/AA, Postbox 4079, 1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
E-mail: 'abc@cwi.nl'.